How to properly prepare the land in autumn and destroy pests - DELFI Agro

2022-10-21 16:34:56 By : Ms. Gita Zhang

Fall tillage helps loosen the soil, protect plants from pathogens, and prepare the soil for next year's crops.These important measures also include weed and pest control.Moreover, every year it is very important to supplement the amount of nutrients sucked from the soil during the summer and to enrich it with organic substances.Why is it best to cultivate the land in autumn?And so that the organic matter is decomposed during the winter, and plant diseases and pests do not prevent the new sowing season from starting on time.Even the most experienced farmers do not have a unified opinion on this issue.Deep digging essentially aerates the soil.In the short term, this provides a well-drained "bed" for the seeds, but in the long term it increases the density of the soil and causes soil erosion.Finer soil particles do not allow oxygen, water and roots to pass through because they are more densely packed than larger particles.Smaller and lighter soil particles are also more easily carried away by strong winds or rains.So, it is possible to argue whether it is worth digging the beds deeply, or if you are satisfied only with their surface plowing.Autumn protection of the earth from insects and diseasesFor some vegetable families (mostly potatoes), judicious crop rotation is more important than tillage in order to protect them from various pathogens.Where more genetically stable or disease resistant varieties are grown, their use has a greater impact on crop quality and health than fall tillage.However, there is a traditional approach to autumn farming: soil layers are turned over and pest pupae are left to freeze over the winter.So you should resist the temptation to mulch the beds in autumn.It is recommended to treat the earth circles around the trunks of fruit trees that have been arranged in autumn with copper-containing preparations and Bordeaux liquid.Weeds are controlled by tillage or herbicides.Certain types of weeds, depending on their aggressiveness, can indeed be controlled with proper soil preparation, but you need to be very careful when choosing herbicides for the beds where you plan to grow edible plants.Use herbicides only when tillage does not produce the desired results or the soil is prone to erosion.These agents destroy annual and perennial weeds, bell plants and dicotyledonous weeds.Such herbicides will help even in the fight against Sosnovsky's borschts and scrubs.Preparations completely eradicate weeds with roots.Remembering the question of whether it is necessary to turn the beds, let's not forget that the roots of annual and perennial weeds are cut with powerful cultivators with wide knives, so there is a risk that parts of their rhizomes will spread over the entire plot.Therefore, before plowing the land, you should first carefully remove weeds from it.What is the best time to till the soil in the fall to protect it from weeds?It depends on the type of the latter.Usually, the land is rotated in the fall, in the period from harvesting to freezing of the soil.Will fire help eradicate pests?Fighting pests with fire is not recommended, and burning dry grass is generally prohibited.However, this method is ineffective because temperatures at the soil surface rarely become high enough to kill pests.In addition, the flames destroy plant remains and organic matter and harm grass-dwelling animals and birds.In addition, the destruction of crop residues can lead to soil erosion.Fire can be particularly damaging to beneficial insects.Note that flames cannot destroy healthy pest larvae and pupae that hibernate below the topsoil!Autumn soil fertilizationHow do you know if the soil on your property is lacking in nutrients so that your plants can produce a great crop?If you have never done a soil survey, we recommend that you do at least a simple soil survey.Several state and private companies provide soil testing services.A basic test usually measures the amount of phosphorus, potassium and organic matter in the soil, 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